Friday, March 11, 2011

Go Take a Hike!

That's what I have to say about hiking...go take a hike (in a sarcastic way of course).  I really hate hiking.  It's just not fun to me.  I don't mind going for a walk here and there on flat areas or paved roads etc... but hiking up hills and on uneven ground is just not my cup of tea.

 Here is why hiking is not fun to me....

I am not the most coordinated person & I end up staring at the ground as I walk.   Looking at the ground the entire time we are hiking can become boring really fast.  I miss out on all of the scenery that I am sure everyone else loves to see as they are hiking, but I'm stuck looking at the ground trying not to step on large rocks, in holes, or on the occasional dog poop that someone has let their dog leave behind with out picking up after them.  Trust me, if I am hiking and not looking at the ground you can bet I will find that one random poop out there and be the one to step right in it.

Bugs.  Don't care for them.  I really don't like taking a breath & having one fly into my mouth, hit the back of my throat and cause me to choke, let alone feeling grossed out about the fact that I just ate a bug.  The random bug that comes up and bites or stings me can also be a bit unpleasant too.

Gotta pee.  Every single time we go for a hike I have to pee about 5 minutes after we start.  So, now I have the urge to pee & have to hike thinking about the fact that I have to pee for the rest of the hike.

Yeah, Hiking.........I would much rather take a nap.


  1. yay so glad to see you posting. hiking isn't my cup of tea either but timmy loves it so i attempt to grin and bare it. ugh.

  2. hmm, i guess i should be thankful of Anthony's various injuries which keep me out of those shenanigans! hahaha
