Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!


 "Wherever you go & whatever you do, may the luck of the Irish be there with you" 

For St. Patty's day today, I am making for the very first time some Corned Beef & Cabbage.  I have read that this isn't actually a traditional Irish meal, but I did find this about it online:

Each year, thousands of Irish Americans gather with their loved ones on St. Patrick's Day to share a "traditional" meal of corned beef and cabbage.
Though cabbage has long been an Irish food, corned beef only began to be associated with St. Patrick's Day at the turn of the century.
Irish immigrants living on New York City's lower East Side substituted corned beef for their traditional dish of Irish bacon to save money. They learned about the cheaper alternative from their Jewish neighbors.

I put my corned beef into the crock pot this morning, added in some potatoes, carrots, & instead of water I used chicken broth to cover the meat with for cooking.  I will make the cabbage right before we actually eat, since it doesn't take very long for the cabbage to cook.

A few fun facts about clovers:

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the most leaves ever found on a clover is 14.

One estimate suggests that there are about 10,000 regular three-leaf clovers for every lucky four-leaf clover.

Legend says that each leaf of the clover means something: The first leaf is for hope, the second leaf is for faith, the third leaf is for love, & the fourth leaf is for luck.

I actually found a four-leaf clover about 5 years ago in our backyard.

While I looking through my photos trying to find the four-leaf clover picture, I also came across this project my son & I made for his Kindergarten class.  It was a Leprechaun trap LOL.


  1. sounds delicious jess, let me know how it turns out!

    the project with your son turned out so cute!

  2. Jess, that four leaf clover is RAD! :) I remember looking through huge flower beds with my cousins when we were kids for those things. I don't remember ever finding one, but it was fun anyway! Now I have one tattooed on me, so I guess I never quite gave up the quest. :) Hope the food turned out great! Happy St. Patty's Day!!
