Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wahoo Wednesday!

It's Wahoo Wednesday again!! 
 I actually said Wahoo out loud this morning after stepping on the scale.  I'm down 5.5 LBS since Saturday!!  We started eating a bit more healthy this past Saturday & I have done a little bit of exercise here & there.  We are following the South Beach diet mostly, which was actually recommended to me by a doctor a few years ago.  They had said a higher protein & low carb food plan would be best for me.  The foods have been good & we get quite a bit, since it's a lot of vegetables & salads.  I very much enjoy the meats & cheese that I still get to eat too.  Drinking a lot of water through out the day is a bit of a challenge, because what goes in, must come out & I don't appreciate the frequency of that part LOL.

I am feeling pretty good & I am very happy about the loss.  I'm glad that it is being done in a healthy way & I know that it won't always be a large number lost on the scale, but for today it makes me say Wahoo!


  1. Good job! Congrats on the loss. That's awesome!

  2. that is such fantastic news! congrats Jess :)

  3. That is great! We are eating Paleo, which is similar, and I've noticed a great change in my health. What exercise are you doing? I don't do that very well.

  4. Elizabeth, so far I have only done 5 minutes on the elliptical we have at home...I know sad hahaha, but I'm going to slowly try to work up my time. We went for a brisk 20 minute walk on Monday, & a 30 minute one this morning. We have also tried to do a bit more as a family for activities like going to the park & playing basketball, volleyball, & baseball.

  5. Wahoo indeed!! :) I think if I could follow any diet, it would be that one. The healthy way is the only way to go. Congrats on the progress thus far and so many good thoughts for even more!
